Row Row Row Your Boat
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As told and illustrated by
I za Trapan i
Row Row Row
Your Boat
Row Row Row
Your Boat
As told and illustrated by
I za Trapan i
Copyright © 1999 by Iza Trapani
All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
Charlesbridge and colophon are registered trademarks of Charlesbridge Publishing, Inc.
Published by Charlesbridge
85 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472
(617) 926-0329
Library of Congress Cataloging–in–Publication Data Trapani, Iza.
Row Row Row Your Boat / written and illustrated by Iza Trapani.
p. cm.
Summary: Follows a family of bears on a fun-filled outing as their gentle boat ride down the stream turns into a fast-paced adventure.
ISBN 978-1-60734-203-8
1. Children’s songs—United States—Texas. [1. Boats and boating—Songs and music.
2. Songs.] I. Title.
PZ8.3.T686Ro 1999
782.42164’0268—dcE dc21
Text type set in Tiffany Medium
Concept, package, book production, and design by The Kids at Our House
For Pat and Margaret,
Johnny, Daniel, Helen, and Anna, May you share many merry adventures!
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
Row row row your boat
Happy as can be
Sunshine glowing, off and rowing
With your family.
Row row row your boat
Stroke and follow through
Fumbling, flailing, oars go sailing—
What a clumsy crew!
Row row row your boat
Row with all your might
Rocking, bashing, water splashing
Better hold on tight!
Row row row your boat
Look ahead to find
Beavers damming, logging, jamming
Left you in a bind!
Row row row your boat
Stop to have a munch
Chomping, snacking, slurping, smacking What a noisy bunch!
Row row row your boat
Better row to shore
Raining, hailing, wind is wailing
Hear the thunder roar!
Row row row your boat
Find a place that’s dry
Scurry, scuttle, hide and huddle
Till the storm blows by.
Row row row your boat
And away you go
Skies are clearing, sunset nearing
Homeward bound you row.
Row Row Row Your Boat
2. Row row row your boat
6. Row row row your boat
Happy as can be
Stop to have a munch
Sunshine glowing, off and rowing
Chomping, snacking, slurping, smacking With your family.
What a noisy bunch!
3. Row row row your boat
7. Row row row your boat
Stroke and follow through
Better row to shore
Fumbling, flailing, oars go sailing—
Raining, hailing, wind is wailing
What a clumsy crew!
Hear the thunder roar!
4. Row row row your boat
8. Row row row your boat
Row with all your might
Find a place that’s dry
Rocking, bashing, water splashing
Scurry, scuttle, hide and huddle
Better hold on tight!
Till the storm blows by.
5. Row row row your boat
9. Row row row your boat
Look ahead to find
And away you go
Beavers damming, logging, jamming
Skies are clearing, sunset nearing
Left you in a bind!
Homeward bound you row.
Iza Trapani, Row Row Row Your Boat
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